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portrait of Dr Moritz Pilaski

Dr Moritz Pilaski

Group Leader AEM electrolysis and fuel cells
New Materials and Technologies

phone: +49 203 7598-2357

AEM water elecrolysis

The AEM Electrolysis and Fuel Cells working group is particularly concerned with the application of anion exchange membranes (AEM) in water electrolysis and fuel cells.

The AEM technology makes it possible to link precious metal-free catalysts with the established manufacturing processes and designs from PEM electrolysis fuel cells. The complete value chain is mapped: Precious metal-free catalyst materials can be produced, dispersed and combined into membrane electrode assemblies.

For these measurements, measuring cells from the company BalticFuelCells are used, with adapted flow fields from our own design.

Special interest is currently being shown in the production and characterization of new noble metal-free catalysts for use in AEM fuel cells and water electrolysers, both from our own catalyst syntheses and in cooperation with partners, and in the development and characterization of novel MEA production processes.


Spray processes as well as large-area squeegee and slot-nozzle application processes can be used as coating techniques. For characterization in operation, measuring equipment is currently available for single cells with an active area of 5 to 25 cm² at 8 bar (AEM-WE) or 2.5 bar (AEM-FC).

Fields of work and services

What we can deliver:

  • Fabrication of AEM MEAs for water electrolysis and fuel cells based on the current state of research
  • Characterization of single cells (AEM-FC and -WE) with predefined test protocol (currently max. 100h)
  • Consulting and delivery of flow field inserts for measuring cells of the company BalticFuelCells for PEM- and AEM-WE made of titanium with Pt-coating
  • Consulting for the transfer of laboratory-scale coatings to large-area coating processes (suitable roll-to-roll processes)
  • Characterization by means of µXRF mapping and layer thickness analysis for quality assurance of MEA manufacturing processes
Last update:  17.12.2024