The first Hydrogen Energy Symposium attracted around 100 predominantly young scientists, researchers, and students from diverse disciplines to Duisburg, Germany, where they exchanged the latest insights and developments in the field of hydrogen research. The symposium was organised by ZBT and the ZBT Research School.
Two high-profile keynote speeches set the stage for the conference programme: Prof. Dr. Karin Leistner from the Chemnitz University of Technology discussed the impact of magnetism in electrochemistry, while Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schuhmann from Ruhr University Bochum shared his findings on high-throughput catalysts and nanoelectrochemistry.
Three sessions featuring short talks covered the topics of electrolysis, fuel cells, and energy carriers. The speakers provided participants with in-depth insights into their research on various hydrogen technologies.
Throughout the day, the symposium was accompanied by a poster exhibition featuring more than 25 scientific posters, fostering intensive exchange and discussions. The evening’s poster reception offered an opportunity for networking in a relaxed atmosphere.
The unexpectedly high interest from the audience, the vibrant atmosphere throughout the day, and the overwhelmingly positive feedback suggest that a repeat of the Hydrogen Energy Symposium next year is quite likely. It was a success for hydrogen research and a strong signal of the innovative strength of the Duisburg research community. Perhaps see you next year!